I Do Two!
After the huge success of I DO, an anthology in support of Marriage Equality, we’re delighted to announce that there’ll be a second volume, I DO TWO, with a planned publication date of 14th February 2010.
The project has an editorial team – Alex Beecroft, Charlie Cochrane, Sophia Deri-Bowen, Lee Rowan – and not forgetting Kris Jacen at MLR who have kindly agreed to be the publishers again.
What we now need are stories; heart warming, thought provoking, life affirming, most importantly top quality stories. The deadline for submissions is December 1st 2009, with decisions announced on 1st January 2010. (Please adhere to the submissions guidelines given below.)
Feel free to pass this on.
The I DO TWO Team.
Submissions guidelines:
The anthology, titled “I DO, TWO”, is a sequel to the January 2009 charity anthology “I DO!” All authors donate their stories to benefit the Lambda Legal Fund. The collection covers a range of times, places and people, and illustrates the universality of love and commitment.
To date, I DO has raised over $1500 for the cause of equal rights in marriage.
I DO TWO will be a similar, companion volume, published by MLR Press. (Contracts will be in line with their standard contract.)
We’re looking for stories between 1,000 words and 10,000 words long. M/M, F/F, Bi and transgender stories are welcome. There is no strict theme, but we have certain things we do *not* want to see, for example stories which undermine the purpose of the anthology – that is, no stories which are about how gay people do not want to get married or do not deserve to get married. We do not want anything that reinforces negative stereotypes – no snuff fiction, scat, golden showers, necrophilia or underage sex. Because of the potential copyright issues, we cannot accept fanfiction, either.
If you possess the copyright for your story and it isn’t currently under exclusive contract to anyone else, we are happy to consider stories which have been published before. Please make a note in the covering e-mail.
As long as your story follows these guidelines and comes within the word-count, please send it to Lee.Rowan@yahoo.com. Your story does not need to have an explicit marriage-related plot or even a happy ending! Any story that celebrates the theme of love as valid, no matter the genders of the players, is welcome.
This is for a charity anthology, so you will not get paid. All profits will go straight to the Lamdba Legal fund. Through education, litigation and public policy work, Lambda Legal works to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people, and persons with HIV. Since their founding in 1973, Lambda Legal has become an active and vital part of the GLBT civil rights movement instrumental in the fight for same-sex marriage rights both nationally and, most notably, in the fight to strike down California’s Proposition 8.
Deadline for submissions is 1st December 2009.
Thank you!
You guys were such a pleasure to work with.
Is there any problem with someone who had a story in the first issue getting into the second?
Thank you! And it should be easier this time (fingers crossed) because we've had the experience of last time to go on.
We're going to be treating this as an entirely new submission's call, so no advantage or disadvantage at all to having been in the first one 🙂