Welcome to my site! If you’re a fan of mine from of old, you may remember how I streamlined this website by partitioning my m/m romance, cozy mystery and SF/F books on separate websites under different pen-names.
Well, that was a lot of trouble. I could not keep up with social media for three separate pen-names, and after ten years of trying, I still wasn’t writing enough books of any sort to make it worth the while.
Then I fell into a major case of writer’s block over the past five years, when I couldn’t bring myself to even touch writing of any sort. This website fell into disrepair. I’m sure the others did too.
I have a lot of fixing to do to bring even one website back into reliable use. So I’m going to go with this one, and I’m afraid that means my cozy mystery and sci-fi/fantasy are coming back here to stay.
On the side of good news, I am now writing again. Small but steady progress on a cozy mystery set aboard a narrowboat.
Now there’s an extra click to find the books you’d like to see! Click on one of the banners below to select your genre:

False Colors is named among the top 100 gay books of the 21st Century
Blue Eyed Stranger makes Romance Novels For Feminists “Best of 2015” list.
Under the Hill is voted best SF/F novel of 2013 by the Swirl Awards

His Heart’s Obsession is voted Best GBLT Historical of 2012 by The Romance Review

Contraband Hearts is One of Publisher’s Weekly’s five best summer romances of 2018.