All change chez Alex
😯 Well, it’s been an interesting sort of week over here! After buying Linden Bay romance about six months ago, Samhain have finally decided what to do with us. They are going to retire the Linden Bay line for a little while, and then relaunch it as a Young Adult line. In the meantime, the novels they acquired when they took on all the Linden Bay authors are going through the submissions process again, and if they are accepted they will be re edited, given new covers, and relaunched as Samhain books.
I’m happy to say that I have already signed a new contract with Samhain for Captains Surrender, and am waiting to hear back from the editor to find out how quickly it can be edited. Hopefully the new edition will be out in the autumn, in the e-book form, and approximately 10 months later in print.
But that isn’t the only change! For some time I have been annoyed at the outrageous price of The Witch’s Boy in print from Lulu and frustrated at my inability to do anything to reduce that price. So with the help and recommendation of Ruth Sims, I submitted the manuscript to Lethe press, and I’m delighted to say that they have offered me a contract for it! Woohoo! WB is particularly special to me because it is so different from everything else I’ve written, and proves I can do Fantasy as well as Romance 🙂
I have taken the Witch’s Boy down from Lulu, and the old version is no longer available. I don’t know how long it will take Amazon to realise this, however, so if you see it still being offered for sale, don’t be fooled. I’m afraid it’s not possible to get it any more. The new version of the witch’s boy should also be out sometime in the autumn.
So to sum up:
Captains surrender is moving from Linden Bay to Samhain. I don’t yet know when the Linden Bay version will become unavailable. But if you want it in print, it would be a good idea to get it now rather than waiting the 10 months for the new version.
The Witch’s Boy is moving from Lulu to Lethe press, and in that case the old version is already unavailable. But to compensate I fully expect the new version to be better produced and edited and possibly considerably cheaper 😉
Both of them should be back in the autumn, fingers crossed!
On a more personal note, either all that hanky waving is bad for me, or I am suffering from repetitive strain injury from the typing, but either way one of my wrists is so sore that I can’t type at the moment. I’m dictating this via my voice recognition software, but that the painter used to (that it is a pain to use to dash dash-that it is a pain to use to — oh get it right you stupid machine—) but that is a pain tu use too! So I may be a little silent for a while. The frustration is just too… well, frustrating!