I’ve been interviewed!

Here I am on Simon Williams’ blog, talking about my influences and the single book that changed my life the most:


Those of you who know me well will probably not find out anything new, but if you don’t know the name of the Saxon poet who changed my life, then you can find it out in this interview 🙂


And to avoid cluttering up the blog with short announcements, I’ll put this one here too.

Riptide Sale!

Since this October is Riptide’s 5th anniversary, Riptide are offering 50% off titles released before September 6, 2016, as well as a number of titles for $0.99, for the entire month.
This sale is available on Riptide’s site only, and all sale prices will be available as of October 1st.
So I should have mentioned this 5 days ago, but there’s still time to grab some bargains 🙂
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