Amazon confirms homophobic policy
Sales Ranks disappearing on Amazon? What is going on?
Copied from
On the issue of Amazon suddenly stripping sales ranks from m/m, f/f and erotica, actual facts have been obtained.
Amazon is protecting is general readership from the evol gay and the pr0n. Read here:
asknosecrets is collecting links here:
got #amazonfail going on twitter. Go tweet and protest! Think of it as signing an e-petition, only with 140 characters to express your outrage!
vashtan is compiling a list of books that have been affected, here:
What can you do?
Copied from erastes LJ
1. Sign the petition 2. Write to the CEO Jeffrey Bezos. 1200 12th Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98144-2734, United States Phone: 206-266-1000 Fax: 206-622-2405 3. Contact info for Amazon for calls, emails, faxes letters
Also, if you have a book or books affected by the censorship, add their names to the list on meta_writer above.
Inform your publisher.
Write to any gblt paper you may be associated with.
Change your buy links for your books so they no longer link to Amazon.
If you were thinking of buying a Kindle, don’t!
Also Smart Bitches, of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books suggest a Google Bomb, where, by the magic of the internet, you post this link on your site/blog
and Amazon get instant bad publicity 😉
I just signed the petition. This is simply outrageous and a discrimination. Working on the Google-Bomb from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books right now…
[…] is Amazon thinking? You can find some good informations about it on Alex’s blog here. Smart Bitches, Trashy Books have created a google-bomb, which you can find […]
Thanks Christian! If there wasn’t so much proof, including Amazon’s own admission, I would still find incredibly hard to believe that they could do this. Theology! They’ve de-ranked The Church & The Homosexual by John McNeill
for crying out loud! What’s “adult” about a work by a theologian showing that God loves GBLT people? That book saved my faith! Fiction is bad enough but censoring the love of God for his gay people is absolutely bloody obscene, and I’m shaking with fury at the thought.
Unfortunately I’m off on a camping trip for all of tomorrow, so I won’t be able to get back into the swing of things until Tuesday. But when I am back I will write to everyone in sight about it 🙂 Including Bishop Gene Robinson of the Episcopalian Church and the MCC and all the Gay Christian lists I have on my friends list. It’s time we stood up and stopped letting these haters pretend to have the moral high ground.