Hee! Well Erastes likes it :) Review of False Colors.

Surprisingly enough, although we’re sort of partners, (running mates?) in the launch of Running Press’ new line of m/m romances, I hadn’t actually read Erastes’ Transgressions and she hadn’t read my False Colors, until now.  But we had a brainwave and decided to swap ARCs, so over the weekend we each got to read the other’s book.  It was rather nerve wracking!  Suppose we hated them?  How would we continue to do joint promotion when we couldn’t honestly say nice things about the other book?
Fortunately, it didn’t turn out that way.  I loved Transgressions pretty much unreservedly – more about that tomorrow, I hope.  And she’s just reviewed False Colors here

Review of False Colors

“There are a very few books on my list of “essential reads” for anyone interested in Gay Historical Fiction. The Charioteer, At Swim Two Boys, As Meat Loves Salt and now False Colors.

Yes, it’s that good. If you are interested in the genre at all, or are planning to write the genre in future I hold up False Colors and say “this is how it should be done.””

And I am over the moon and frankly rather relieved to find that she liked it 🙂  Hurray!

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