The review of my career

This is the review I hold to my heart whenever the topic of “can women write stories about gay men – or rather ought they to?” comes around. I wrote Captain’s Surrender partly in order to show people that you didn’t have to choose between your sexuality and your faith, you could have both. I thought if even one person got that message, so that they could stop feeling damned and/or condemned, it would justify my writing the books that I wanted to write.

Well, this is that review.

I’m so thankful for it! There are times when I feel the pressure – I’m not gay enough, I’m not male enough, I’m not persecuted enough to speak for this community. (As it turns out, I’m not straight and I’m not female either, but that’s a different story.) And when those doubts strike, I remember this review in particular, and others like it I’ve had since, and I tell myself that nevertheless, I’m still not being entirely selfish in carrying on.

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Jay Mountney
8 years ago

That’s a great review! ‘Age of Sail’ stories aren’t really my scene, but it just about makes me want to read it!

Sandra Lindsey
Sandra Lindsey
8 years ago

Yay! So happy it’s still getting reviews & making a difference 🙂
I still remember when you posted that you’d won the contest & this book would be published, and I was all “Wait, really? I can aim for more than just posting online? Time to get seriously working on skills so I can follow in Alex’s footsteps!”

Sandra Lindsey
Sandra Lindsey
8 years ago

Hi Alex 🙂 Thank you, I’d love to visit with a guest post. I’ll e-mail you (& cross my fingers that it doesn’t land in your spam bin… the perils of having one’s own domain, I find)

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