Welcome to Susann Julieva

who is guest posting here today in honour of the launch of her new Christmas short story Home for the Holidays. I gave her my standard third degree, and here are her answers 🙂

1. What was your first book and what was it about?

The first novel I completed I wrote as a teenager. It was about a group of street kids, and I’m afraid it wasn’t very good! *laughs* I never even tried to get it published. But after starting and abandoning about a dozen projects before that, completing the manuscript was a huge thing for me. That was the first time I knew I could do it – I could actually write novels! Woohoo!

2. What works in progress have you got on the go at the moment?

I’m currently working on a gay romantic comedy called “For Me, It’s You” and I can’t wait to finish writing it. I’m really quite fond of the main characters Sam and Gabe, a barista and a rock star. They’re complete opposites and yet a perfect match, and they make me smile a lot while I write them.

3. Who is your favorite fictional character created by someone other than yourself?

Oh, there are so many fictional characters I love, it’s hard to pick just one! I think it’s a tie between Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings and Anne Elliot from Jane Austen’s Persuasion. I love them both for not giving up even when things seem hopeless.

4. Who is your own favorite character?

Ugh, another tough question! At the moment it might be Dean Monroe who is such a wild, untamable character – unlike any I ever created. But I also love Rizzo and James from Triangle. I’ve written those two boys for so many years they seem like old friends.

5. Tell us about the books you have out

My first German novel “Café der Nacht” (Café of the Night) just got published this November, which has me all kinds of excited. Before that, my co-author Romelle Engel and I self-published a novel about a gay love triangle, “Triangle – The Complete Series”. It’s a series we originally posted online, and by popular demand we finally put it out as an ebook and paperback. At the beginning of December I published a sequel called “Home For The Holidays – A Triangle Christmas Short Story” which, as the title suggests, is a Christmas story. I love this time of year!

6. If your book became a big Hollywood film, who would you cast to play your characters?

Wow, how awesome would that be? For Monroe I have two actors I would love to see in the role – either Stephen Dorff or Ken Duken. Both are terrific actors and I know they could bring the intensity and passion required to the role. For Maxim I can’t think of anyone being a better fit than Tom Schilling. He actually looks exactly like I always imagined Maxim.


7: How did you feel the day you held the copy of your first book in your hands?

 Honestly, that was one of the happiest days of my life! After years of getting turned down, holding my printed book in my hands was a dream come true. It’s only been a month since it came out – I still can’t quite believe it!

8. What upcoming project of your own are you most excited about?

I’m really excited about “November Boys”, my next project after “For Me, It’s You”. It’s an unusual love story, and even though I’m still in the early panning stages I’m already in love with the characters. I can’t wait to actually start writing them!

9: Do you think you have specific themes you continue to return to?  If so what are they?

 I think a major theme in all my work is that when you found that special someone, you should never let them go. If you love someone, don’t hold back, be sure to let them know. Even if all odds are against you, love is always worth fighting for.

10: Who is your favorite author and what is your favorite genre to read?

 Jane Austen is my favourite author. I just love her work so much. As far as genres go, I do love a good love story, no matter if it’s het, gay, or anything else. I also really like urban fantasy.

11: Tell us more about who you are. Anything you want your readers to know? Information on where to find your books, any blogs you may have, or how a reader can learn more about you and writing?

Hi! I’m Susann. I write m/m and other LGBT novels, some light and charming, some with a slightly darker edge – but always with a happy ending. I publish books in English and German, am owned by a particularly crazy cat and live in Germany. I’m online a lot, and I love fandom. Come visit my website and say hi, I’d be delighted!

My official website & blog: http://www.susannjulieva.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SusannJulieva

Twitter: http://twitter.com/susannjulieva

You can find my books on Amazon and Smashwords (http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/susannjulieva)

Thank you for interviewing me, Alex! It’s been a real pleasure.



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