Tumblr Tuesday

Just to prove I am active on the internet somewhere, here is a round up of a few of the interesting things I’ve found on Tumblr this week:

Quiltbag issues

Transgender teen’s survival guide

Trans* Titles for Young Adults

Christians for Gay Marriage Launch “Not All Like That” campaign.

“Queerbaiting” on TV (When subtext ought to have the guts to be text.)

Links relevant to The Glass Floor and its sequels

The 6 Most Mismatched Battles Ever Ottoman heavy artillery, with the emphasis on heavy.

Maps of Atlantis (according to Plato’s account of the city.)

Christian tattoing in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Camel Art!

Strolling octopus


The art of Christophe Vacher

Illuminated manuscript of the Thranduil parts of The Hobbit


Days without incident

The Goddess Demeter


Genderswapped Avengers (really brings it home how outnumbered Black Widow is!)


New Thor: The Dark World posters, in which Loki is actually starting to look like his comic-book self. It’s an attitude thing, I think. He was too naive and innocent in the first film, too unhinged and evil in the second, but now he looks like he’s beginning to settle down somewhere subtle and devious in the middle. Much better!

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11 years ago

Congrats on conquering Tumblr. I haven’t attempted to wrap my brain around it and wonder what I’d need to give up to set up my own. I’ll just enjoy yours and a few other friends’ for the time being.

Definitely love that poster of Loki. Thanks for including that!

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