Since I got a Kobo ereader for Christmas

because my reconditioned Cybook Opus ereader decided to give up the ghost in December, I have finally noticed the importance of the .epub format of ebooks. You can download an epub book straight from Goodreads to your Kobo, which is so convenient, and you can download any book in the Kobo library to your Kobo wherever you can find a network to connect to. It’s marvellous!

It also made me think “dammit, there needs to be a kobo/epub version of The Witch’s Boy.” So I found a tutorial about how to format your stuff for Smashwords and put the book up there too. It’s now gone through their clearing and testing process and – having passed the meatgrinder unscathed – is available in Kindle, epub, rtf, pdf, lrf and goodness knows what else.

I decided to keep the nice Black Hound cover for this version, just because it was so nice.

I’m very happy with my new Kobo, btw. Excellent battery life, I can put books on it from any retailer using Calibre, and if it’s too dark to read where I am, it comes with built in glow. And it fits in my pocket. It’s not as pretty as the Cybook Opus, but the light more than makes up for it.

If you are on Facebook, you have my apologies for the fact that I’ve ended up saying this twice. I forgot that if I updated Facebook and my blog separately, Facebook would get the content doubled.

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