Blessed Isle in sight!

Woohoo! Coolness 🙂 I have a new cover for Blessed Isle, and Riptide already have a coming soon page for it. And we have a blurb. It’s so efficient!

And I really, really love this cover. Obviously you can rarely go wrong with a tall ship, but look, they have uniforms and period shirts and everything.


For Captain Harry Thompson, the command of the prison transport ship HMS Banshee is his opportunity to prove his worth, working-class origins be damned. But his criminal attraction to his upper-crust First Lieutenant, Garnet Littleton, threatens to overturn all he’s ever worked for.
Lust quickly proves to be the least of his problems, however. The deadly combination of typhus, rioting convicts, and a monstrous storm destroys his prospects . . . and shipwrecks him and Garnet on their own private island. After months of solitary paradise, the journey back to civilization—surviving mutineers, exposure, and desertion—is the ultimate test of their feelings for each other. 

These two very different men each record their story for an unfathomable future in which the tale of their love—a love punishable by death in their own time—can finally be told. Today, dear reader, it is at last safe for you to hear it all.


They would normally do something this long (100 pages) for $4.99, but this is going to be going at the bargain price of $3.99 because it’s a reprint.

(The story used to be available in the Hidden Conflict anthology, which is no more. So if you have one of those, you now have a collectors item!)

It’s due on the last day of the year, which will be a great way for 2012 to go out for me 🙂 I’m looking forward to it.

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12 years ago

Lovely cover!

Book duly pre-ordered from Riptide. I love the fact that they let people who preorder download the book a day or so early! So my Happy New Year will come early…

12 years ago

PS Just realised, scrolling through your covers, that Riptide has cleverly used the same typeface or font as was used on the cover of Captain’s Surender and is similar to the capital letters on By Honour Betrayed (sorry, Honor), so that the Cap Bs are the same and they tie into each other.

12 years ago

Oh brilliant! I’m so glad this one is getting another outing. 🙂

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