It took five years but it is finally here!

Huzzah! It was in 2007 that I signed the first contract to publish the story that was then called “90% Proof”. It got past three rounds of editing, and then the anthology project was shelved due to editorial illness and I was offered the rights back.

Then in 2008 I signed the second contract to publish it, and in 2011, when nothing had happened to it in three years, I asked for the rights back. After a re-write and an expansion, I offered it to Carina, and they re-titled it, and today it is actually published as His Heart’s Obsession! I can un-cross my fingers, finally 🙂


As if to reward me for my patience, it’s already had some lovely reviews, and topped Carina’s bestseller list, so I’m officially removing it from my ‘most jinxed story’ category (re-crossing my fingers just in case that was unwise.)

I’ve never had so many reviews before a book was actually out!

The Book Vixen says

This is an excellent MM historical romance with full-developed characters and an emotionally intimate romance. MM fans will do well to read this one.

Tracy’s Place says

Though the story was short it was filled with emotion, friendship and love and had me turning page after page.

and The Novel Approach says

As with Alex Beecroft’s False Colors (which I loved), His Heart’s Obsession is as much an homage to the Age of Sail as it is a story of forbidden love and the danger it represents. While I’d have liked a bit more exploration of the whens, hows, and whys that lead up to Robert falling in love with Hal, I very much enjoyed what came after.

Thank you to all of them 🙂
If you are feeling so inclined, you can get a copy here :) Thank you!


Review of Under the Hill: Bomber’s Moon


And while I’m doing a reviews post, I think I’ll sneak in this lovely review for Under the Hill: Bomber’s Moon from Talking Two Lips

This book is a MUST READ for fantasy fans, and even if you’re not a fantasy fan, I urge you to get it anyway. You won’t be disappointed.

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Virginia Lori Jennings-Author

Awesome! Congrats!

Alex Beecroft
12 years ago

Thanks Virginia 🙂

Mitch Leigh
12 years ago

I have to check this out Alex. I haven’t read your work in a while. I need to see if my toshiba thrive will open these….. =)

Alex Beecroft
12 years ago

*g* Thanks Mitch! There’s some nasty bigotry from the bad guy in this, but otoh, I think my hero is one of the more lighthearted I’ve done so far.

Dianne T.
Dianne T.
12 years ago

Hi Alex!!
Happy (long awaited) release day to you for His Heart’s Obsession 🙂 The reviews are wonderful – really looking forward to it. I must say I have been sort of “stuck” in contemporary land (which is odd for me!), and still have your two Under The Hill books to read as well. They are all next in the queue!

My best to you and yours,

Jennifer Thorne
12 years ago

I can’t wait to read it!

12 years ago

Congratulations! You have the patience of a saint.

I enjoyed both False Colors and Captain’s Surrender. I’m headed over to Carina to pick up a copy of His Heart’s Obsession.

Alex Beecroft
12 years ago

Thanks Jennifer 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!

Michael H. Hanson
12 years ago

Happy Birthday, Alex!

In The Gloam
by Michael H. Hanson

Beware the golden ratio
and avoid the value of pi
cower from absolute zero
and symmetrical space and time,
avert the neutral neutrino
don’t challenge the speed of light
for Science is an albino
devoid of the colors of life.

Instead embrace silvery music
and dancing, and fine art, and poems
watch any movie dubbed classic
and kiss someone fun and winsome
swim like a strong kinesthetic
drink wine and read ancient bound tomes
steer past the isle of metaphysics
find truth in the magical gloam.

Alex Beecroft
12 years ago

*g* Thanks so much, Michael! I’m all for doing both, to be honest. Sometimes you need to know how to build a better clock, and sometimes you need to dance.

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