Under the Hill: Dogfighters release day

This is bad – I almost missed the release day of my own book, due to getting up at 4.00am today to dance up the sun and spending the rest of the day feeling as if nothing was real at all.

I had better do something about this tomorrow, but for now, I’m just saying that if you have been worrying about Ben’s fate once he was dragged Under the Hill, there’s finally a chance to find out what happened next 🙂

Under the Hill: Dogfighters by Alex Beecroft
Genre: Time Travel, Multicultural, Gay Alternate Worlds
Length: Novel, ISBN: 978-1-60928-725-2, Series: Under the Hill
Price: $5.50 Limited time sale-priced for $3.85

Fight a fire-breathing dragon with a wooden airplane? It’ll take a madman…

Under the Hill, Part 2

Kidnapped by the faerie queen, Ben is confronted with his own supernatural heritage, a royal family and a lover he doesn’t remember. His first instinct is to turn his back on them all and get back to Earth. Compared to this, Chris and his wacky cohorts seem almost…normal.

Back on Earth, Chris Gatrell is having trouble convincing the police that he didn’t do away with Ben and hide the body. Determined not to lose another sweetheart to the elves’ treachery, he presses his motley crew of ghost hunters to steal a Mosquito bomber…and prays the ghosts of his WWII crew will carry them through the portal to Ben’s rescue.

Meanwhile, Chris’s elf-trapped WWII love, Geoff, has a dragon and he’s not afraid to use it. If only he could be entirely sure which of the elf queens is the real enemy–the one whose army is poised to take back planet Earth for elf-kind.

In the cataclysmic battle to come, more than one lover–human and elf alike–may be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Product Warnings: Dragons dogfighting with fighter planes, time travelers and reincarnated celestial beings are all very exciting, but have your hankies ready for a bittersweet ending.

Read an excerpt, find reviews and more at Samhain!

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