Guest post: Anna Mayle asks “Who are the Fae?”

With infinite apologies to Anna for this being up a day late. I have no excuses except to say that my life is running away with me at the moment and I don’t know when I’ll next be in control of it.

Fortunately Anna is completely in charge, so I’ll hand you over to her now 🙂

Who Are the Fae

Fae ( is the name given to a broad spectrum of beings. It is a species with many subcultures and races, much like human beings have a vast array of diverse people. The fact that Fae magics make them so changing though, takes their diversity to a whole new level.

Picture A

In each legend the Fae take on another aspect or form. Some are humans who died gruesome deaths, like the Bean Si, the Banshee. Others are protectors of nature, like Jack Frost. And some are just down-right scary. A lot of the stories are cautionary tales dealing with how to avoid their anger and for good reason. An angry Fae is a terrifying think indeed. The most apt description I ever read to encompass all of the Fae was that they are “of a middle nature, somewhere between Man and Angel”. The problem is that even at their most angelic, they aren’t human and only have a skewed vision of what a human is (much as I’m sure we have a skewed vision of Fae, Angel, Demons and anything else that was never human). Because of this, even actions meant to be kind may result in anything but kindness.

Picture B

I’ve mentioned in other blogs, their changing and very inhuman minds are one of the big reasons I like to write about them. There is so much potential and there are so many legends. An author could get lost in the possibilities. They aren’t human and never were so that alien feeling is always surrounding them. The only limit is the author’s imagination and too human mind. It is difficult to do the Fae and their strangeness the justice they deserve.

In modern media my favorite depiction of Fae was in the “Spiderwick Chronicles”. While the books were dominated by the smaller of the Fae, Pixies and Brownies, they delved into the darkness as well. Without being too overwhelming, or too graphic, the author captured the spirit of the old legends wonderfully. It’s a book for children, but that is also commendable, because it opens a whole new generation up to the fact that Fae aren’t all pretty little girls with wings. As they showed us in the movie Labyrinth, Fae have Bite to them.

Picture C

And sometimes…it’s welcome.

Daybreak Cover

Nearly a year since the nightmare at the cabin. Life for Daniel and Leinad hasn’t gotten easier, but at least there is something to say for familiarity. They fight, they threaten, but they love each other and in the end, that should be enough.

It isn’t.

When the shadows start stealing closer, and the past begins catching up to them, how long will the two lovers have before the Fae in Daniel emerges, and before Leinad has to face his own demons once again? Until the harsh light of reality engulfs the fragile world they’ve built for themselves?

How long will it be until daybreak?


"Daniel." The soft, trilling voice sent shocks of agony straight to his temples.

A thick band of tension tightened around his head. He closed his strange new eyes and begged silently for it to stop.

"Daniel," Leinad whispered again. The words were barely there, breathy. The soft, downy inside of his lover’s wings folded around him from behind, and he sighed as Leinad lowered both of them carefully to the bed. "Do not fight it. Don’t try to understand it. Whatever it is you see, it is not something humans are meant to process. You do not think like a Fae. Trying to grasp their worlds and ways will hurt you."

"My head is killing me," Daniel mumbled.

Leinad nodded against his shoulder and rested his face in the curve of Daniel’s neck. "I know."

"Reading my mind now?"

Leinad chuckled. "You squint when you get headaches."

Daniel tried to smile, but it felt brittle and impossible upon his lips. "I can’t… I’m terrified, Leinad."

A soft mouth moved against Daniel’s neck, softer feathers caressed his chest, belly, thighs. "I am here."

Long, tapered fingers slid slowly around his sides, teased their way to brush over Daniel’s chest and pulled him back harder against his partner. Daniel could feel Leinad’s interest pressed insistently against his tailbone. One talon tipped finger flicked the delicate nub of a nipple. Daniel gasped, Leinad moaned and nipped at the tender skin of Daniel’s neck.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asked stupidly. When did my mind and mouth lose their connection?

"I’m making you forget," Leinad said calmly, and rolled his hips into Daniel’s ass. "I’ll make you forget your own name."

"I already have." Daniel choked.

Leinad’s motions stilled. "Damn you Daniel. The other Fae weren’t nearly as difficult to interest."

"I don’t remember being Fae."

The wings opened and Daniel yelped in surprise. Leinad grabbed, twisted, and straddled him all in quick succession until Daniel stared up at Leinad from his back. The cruel curve of his beak, wide golden eyes, round and knowing in a pale white face, filled his vision. Feathers flowed over his head and shoulders like hair. The hands holding him down were talon tipped and deadly.

Daniel’s cock danced at the proximity of the dangerous creature. It thickened, lengthened, the blood rushed into it in an attempt to make it hard enough to tear through the linen slacks the creature wore. Again, one taloned hand flexed, a deadly claw teased his nipple. Daniel squirmed and moaned. He needed pressure, friction, flesh. He needed Leinad, in all his terrifying glory.

"You feel it too, don’t you." It was a statement, not a question. "The consuming pull, the want, your body craves mine as if you were made for me, of me. No matter what happens, you belong to me, my creature. So lie back and give yourself up to me. Fear me, need me, only focus upon me." Leinad punctuated his command by rolling his hips and opening his fly to free his rapidly hardening need from the confinement of his pants.

Daniel trembled, a familiar yet strange moistness seeped from his puckered entrance as his body prepared itself. His anus opened and closed again and again, begged to be filled, to be brutalized, to be taken, owned, claimed. It knew its master just as his dancing cock did, just as Daniel himself did. Leinad glowed gloriously and Daniel wanted nothing more than to be the vessel to his need. He arched his hips up, and closed his eyes at even the slight friction that earned him. Without the strange visual world to distract him, the sensations were doubled and then some, and he keened at their strength.

"There, now you are ready for me, aren’t you."

"Yes," he whimpered. "Oh yes, please."

"Please?" Leinad cooed. "You want me to please you, do you not?" He took Daniel’s hand and brought it to his huge, thick cock. The veins stood in stark relief against the magnificent shaft and the mushroom head leaked a thick, clear liquid that coated its length and pooled between them, made them slide smoothly against one another. "You want me to tear you open and live inside you, move in and out until you aren’t sure which you want more, the pleasure or the pain."

"Yes!" Daniel begged and writhed for more, for the action those words promised. "Please fuck me."

"I’ll fuck you into forgetting. Then I’ll go deeper. I’ll penetrate straight to your soul and saturate it with my seed. Body. Mind. Soul, all mine. You hear me? You’re mine!"

"Yes, sir." Daniel trembled. Leinad stood and stripped quickly. Daniel didn’t even have time to feel guilt over the multitude of bandages revealed before Leinad was back. He tore Daniel’s pants from his body, scooped Daniel’s legs up to rest on his shoulders and surged forward until Daniel was bent nearly in half, begging in shallow, panting breaths, his opening wide and wanting. "Please Leinad. Please don’t be cruel to me, not now."

"Never," the creature promised and thrust with one hard jab, burying himself deeply into Daniel’s core.

Daniel cried out in perfect, blissful agony. "More!"

Leinad thrust again, and lights danced in the blackness behind Daniel’s eyelids.

"Mine. Say it," Leinad ordered.

"Yours, I am yours. I am yours!" he sang brokenly while Leinad plowed into him again and again. Daniel might as well have been praying, for the worship he could hear in his own voice. The thickness inside of him was unrelenting, claiming, unyielding. He had no time to relax, to calm or think, barely time to breathe.

The speed behind those deep thrusts increased, and he was bent so far that his knees met his ears while Leinad blanketed him with his weight and rode him hard, wet and wonderful. A scream built inside of him, but he had no breath to give voice to it. Leinad pounded into him so hard that he slammed into the bed. It still wasn’t enough. Daniel reached down to grasp his own cock, but the force inside of him shook. Leinad’s cock rattled like a snake against his prostrate and before his fingers even closed around himself he was coming, twisted and covered and owned. It wasn’t romantic, but it was love, thick and hot inside of him. It bent him, twisted his soul to its bidding. "I love you," he breathed.

Leinad came and pulled out at the same time. His semen coated Daniel’s legs and crotch as he retreated to the far side of the room and stared at him with those wide, inhuman eyes.


"Damn you, Daniel." He choked. "You weren’t supposed to say it."


You can learn more about my books and myself at

And all of the previous books are also available for purchase at just click on the cover to the right of the screen.

Thank you ^_^

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