Woo! First review of Under the Hill!

Wow, the Under the Hill books have just had their first review and they’re not even out yet. What’s even more exciting is that it’s a good one, and it’s by Library Journal Reviews, so I guess I can keep my fingers crossed for the books to be available in a few libraries once they’re out. After all the furore about RWA recently, it’s also nice to see them listed with two m/f romances and no attempts at segregation at all.

The review is by Kristi Chadwick and concludes “From World War II to Faerie, ghosts to dragons, war to romance, there is a little bit of everything in these books. Beecroft (By Honor Betrayed) weaves together a wonderful pair of books with interesting characters and more than enough twists to keep the reader surprised until the end. …. Those who enjoy complex fantasy stories with nontraditional pairings will enjoy this ebook duo.”

Full review here.

Huzzah! Thank you Kristi. It’s always scary waiting for the first review and wondering whether it’s going to be good or bad. I’m really relieved to have it so successfully behind me before I’d even started to worry 🙂

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