Blogging on Jessewave’s site today

It must be nice to be one of those writers who feels expert enough in things to answer other people’s questions. Wednesday’s blog post aside, I’m not really one of them. I have a head full of questions and doubts that rarely if ever seem to get resolved.

Today I’m airing my questions and doubts about genre and the single writer over on Jessewave’s blog. Do you think a writer who changes genre ought to also change their name for ease of reference? But what if they then combine those two genres into one crossover novel? Whose name goes on that? Should they, in fact, not write the confusing crossover at all? Should they have a third name for those? Should they keep one name and do something else?

I would be delighted to see anyone who has any opinions on these questions over here:

I don’t guarantee I will take all advice I’m given, but I do promise that I will consider it carefully.

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