Dogfighters cover & Hobbit Trailer

Gosh, my titles are imaginative, aren’t they? But I got the final version of my cover art for Under the Hill: Dogfighters last night and had logged on to post it for people to see, when I came across the Hobbit trailer. That made two things to squee about instead of just one, so here they both are together, unconnected except by my enthusiasm.


Look! I have a dragon! And a Mosquito bomber, and mehndi, and countryside that looks like it really is the Peak District, and a model I can easily picture as Ben – he has just the perfect attitude. So cool! I can’t wait to get both this and Bomber’s Moon in paperback. They’re going to be such handsome books 🙂


As for the Hobbit trailer


I’m loving all of it except for the completely random Galadriel/Gandalf shipping. What?! As someone who spent three years writing Celeborn/Galadriel fanfic, my feathers are mightily ruffled. Why must everyone in the world disregard my favourite elf?

Apart from that, I loved the Dwarvish plainsong, and I particularly love “Can you promise that I will come back?” “No.”

So, on the whole I’m guessing it’ll be like the other films – mostly excellent, but with some bits inserted that make me tear my hair out. I wonder which part will outweigh which.

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Grace Roberts
13 years ago

That is one gorgeous cover. I absolutely love the juxtaposition of the Spitfire? Hurricane? and the Pterodactyl. Nice touch. And the landscape reminds me of Dartmoor a tad. Er, the bloke isn’t bad either. 😉

Grace Roberts
13 years ago

Oops, or is it a dragon? Whatever, it’s bloody good.

Grace Roberts
13 years ago

Oh I give up!! I’ve got it all wrong. Just seen LJ and I see it’s a Mosquito. I’ll close the door on the way out. *slinks away with red face*

Dianne T.
Dianne T.
13 years ago

Hi Alex,
Once again, I am far behind in communicating as often as I’d like. Trying to reorganize myself but the Holidays are making that hard at the moment. Anyhow…. love the covers to Bomber’s Moon and Dogfighters and am very excited for you about their releases next year – and for us readers too of course 😉
Have tried leaving reviews at Amazon for By Honor Betrayed (exquisite, btw) and The Witch’s Boy and somehow keep getting kicked out of my log in so that is also something I need to set right…!
Happy New Year – here’s to a great 2012!

PS – Did you really write Communion in 2010 and I just now found it?! What a lovely glimpse of Jasper and Charles 😀

Alex Beecroft
Alex Beecroft
13 years ago

Hi Dianne! Oh, don’t worry about that! I find that after a few weeks of holiday, my will to do anything at all just collapses and I end up doing nothing but reading fanfiction and eating. I think I need the routine of work days in order to get anything done at all.

Hee! I’ve got to say I’m very pleased with the Under the Hill covers, and I’m crossing my fingers that people like them as books. It’s quite a departure from my other stuff.

Thanks so much for trying to review BHB and Witch’s Boy! I really appreciate it, and I’m so happy to know that you enjoyed BHB. I worry with every story that nobody will like it, so reviews are sometimes the only thing that keep me going 🙂

I did! I wrote Communion for the Speak Its Name advent calendar in 2010, and then put it up on my website some time after, but I don’t know that I actually announced it anywhere, so I’m not surprised that you missed it. I’m glad it came as a nice surprise now 🙂

Happy New Year to you too!

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