Because I am contrary

As November draws to a close, and all over the internet come the cries of NaNoWriMo participants reaching their 50K goal for the month, I have achieved my In2.5NoEdMo.

My individual month of editing two and a half books – if a novella counts as a half book – turned out to be almost as strenuous as the writing challenge. But I finished it on Friday, had a weekend, and started work on my WIP again today with a grand total of 1051 words. The plan had been to finish this WIP during NaNo, but you know what they say about the plans of mice and men.

Most of my work time today was spent reading what I had already written, so that I could pick up the tone and characters from where I put them down, and I’m pleased to say that I definitely enjoyed what I have so far – this gives me hope for the rest of it.

I doubt it will be finished this year, now. December is not a great month for buckling down to anything other than Christmas. But we’ll have to see. I might be able to get the rough draft done by the end of January, God willing, if I work hard and nobody else gets ill.

Oh, oh, and I have seen the mockup of the cover art for UtH: Dogfighters and it’s even better than the cover art for UtH: Bomber’s Moon. Probably my favourite cover ever, in fact. I can’t wait to show everyone 🙂

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