First review of By Honor Betrayed

Wow! A first review of “By Honor Betrayed” and it’s not even out yet!  I appear to have cranked the sense of danger up a bit too high for this reviewer, but it’s ok because she enjoyed it enough to come back for more anyway :)

This was my first Alex Beecroft read and I’m sure it won’t be my last.  Guess I’ll just have to make an appointment with my primary doctor to insure my poor heart can stand anymore stories like this.  It was fast-paced, well plotted, and historically accurate and is highly recommended.

Thanks a lot to Portia at MM Good book reviews!

Mega thanks too to Jo for doing me proud with a fantastic spread of posts on her blog.  I thought I’d just link to the next two for easy access :)

Interview, in which I answer some very interesting questions

Jo’s reviews of the books of mine she’s read.

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