Cover art, new contract, and holidays.

I go away and everything happens at once – which is sort of like busses (and how you wait hours for one and then three come within seconds of each other.)  I’m not really back from my holidays yet, since the girls haven’t yet gone back to school, but I am at least back from the places of no internet which I have been inhabiting over the past fortnight.  Cornwall – there was much bodyboarding and eating, though not at the same time.  Grandparents – there was much chatting and eating.  And re-enacting the Saxons in a field at the Detling Military Odyssey.  Much Bayeux-tapestry-like embroidery and bone-flute playing was done.  There wasn’t a lot of eating at that one, but what there was of it was all fried, so I suspect I return a half stone heavier than I was when I left.

When I got back and unpacked yesterday it was to find a notice that I could no longer keep my website with the host it has been with for the past couple of years, so a frantic day’s work later and it has been transferred over to a new host.  I believe that everything is supposed to carry on as if nothing has changed, so my addy will still work, and my blog will still crosspost hither and yon.  This is the first test post, so fingers crossed!

Excitingly, my cover art for By Honor Betrayed arrived half way through the fortnight, and I can now unveil it.  I have to say that I think that with this one Carina continues their winning streak when it comes to cover art.  I’m very happy with it, anyway :)


By Honor Betrayed is coming out in early November, and will break the long period I’ve had with nothing new out.  I can’t wait.

Also half way through the holiday I signed a contract with Carina for another Age of Sail novella called Poison and Poetry.  So with that and the two volumes of Under the Hill, I suspect I’m in for an autumn and winter of editing.  Huzzah!  (As my heroes would say.)

Now I’m champing at the bit for the school holidays to end (on 6th September) so I can get down to work on the first draft of The Pilgrims’ Tale.  It was nice to revisit the Age of Sail for a couple of novellas, but it will also be nice to do one of my other favourites for a change.

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