A writer's life is not an idle one

Under the Hill is officially finished!  Huzzah!  I must say – even though it probably counts as blowing my own trumpet – that I love it.  I’m sure it’s a good sign when you finish writing a book and immediately want to tell everyone about it so that they can enjoy it too.  (Either that or I’m just delusional.)

150K (roughly) of fantasy novel, all inspired by one walk on extra from an episode of Dr. Who.  Thank you to whoever cast tank-top man as a nameless nobody at the end of the universe


you will never know what you have unleashed 🙂

So, normally I would have a day off after having finished a novel that took me the greater part of two years to write, but I’ve just found out that my copy edits on “By Honor Betrayed” are due to arrive tomorrow.  And in the mean time I’ve got four stories for the UK Meet anthologies to edit, and two pieces of cover art to do.  (Oh, and I’m dancing out tonight, so I don’t have the evening to work in.)

Remind me again why I thought leaving my 9-5 job would lead to less stress?

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