A love-affair with war machines

This is one of the reasons I don’t blog very often – because I don’t seem to be able to open my mouth without saying something controversial.  At any rate, this week I am over on the Macaronis talking about the glory of war and the allure of weapons of mass destruction http://historicromance.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/war-huh-what-is-it-good-for/

Actually, it’s made me stop and wonder if the modern love affair with werewolves and vampires might be motivated by the same thing – a repressed wish to be able to smash things and get away with it.  Maybe that’s what people are liking when they like the alpha male?  They’re actually identifying with his ability to get what the hell he wants, no matter who or what stands in his way?

Sometimes I wish I was a bit more normal and felt these things, instead of having to think my way into them.

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