Progress, though not at NaNo

Well, my NaNoWriMo attempt has once more gone right out of the window after last week.  Nevertheless, I’ve still been doing over 2000 words a day this week, and I only have two scenes left to write on Under the Hill.  Barring accidents or acts of God, I really should have it finished by the end of the week.  So I’ve decided to stop a bit early today – at the end of the penultimate chapter – and allow my subconscious some time to work on the fine details of the final chapter before I attempt writing it tomorrow.  Currently I don’t know which PoV to do it in, so I don’t want to start it now in a rush, only to find it needs rewriting from someone else’s viewpoint.

Other progress: Andrew has decided to make his own frock coat, so that project is off my hands.  I’ve made my nun’s scapular and overdress, though the overdress needs to be hemmed.  I’ve cut out the underdress, which I should be able to sew up today.  I must find a hood-wimple so that I can copy it in white linen for the nun’s kit and make a cap, and then that will be done.  Ailith’s trousers are done apart from hemming.  And I’ve half cut out the pattern for my 18th Century jacket and bought navy blue and white linen to make it from – so it will be in naval colours 🙂

Still not finding time to do more than write, sew and cook, with a bit of exercise thrown in.  I do apologize if I’ve ignored your email for unfeasibly long lengths of time.  I don’t think that this rate of writing is going to continue past November, if only because I have to ignore so many other things to manage it.  But if it lets me get UtH finished before December, then oh, it will be worth it!

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