Life before dentistry

Spent today taking my youngest to the dentist.  This is pretty much the story of the holidays – non stop ferrying one or the other of them about.  Though I can’t be hard on her for needing to go to the dentist, poor child!

In writerly news, I have just passed the 100,000 word mark on Under the Hill and I know now that it is going to get finished and polished and become a proper manuscript.  There were moments there where I thought this would be the first thing I had abandoned unfinished since starting to write professionally, but now I’ve reached the point where I know that isn’t the case.  It’s going to take some whopping revision, but I know I can do it, and make it as good as it can be, given my skill level.  Still approximately another 50K to go before that can happen, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m positive it isn’t an oncoming dragon.

Having said that, though, what with girls solidly at home, visiting relatives (and the cleaning up before, thereof) and doing laundry in preparation for going to France next week, I haven’t managed a word today.  I may have to go and do some now.  That or get depressed.

Am also determined to do a couple of novellas before Christmas, just so that I can have written and finished at least one new thing this year.  I’m thinking that a Space Opera one would be quite fun.

Was captivated by Inception, and I’ve now been to see it three times, but despite an initial burst of “I want to read fanfic,” finding <lj user=”inceptionfic”> and doing just that for three days, I find that I don’t really want to get into the fandom after all.  I’m not quite sure why not.  It’s a funny feeling, liking something so much that I want to see it again, but not wanting to write it – or even particularly read about it.  I suppose it could be because I have an ever increasing list of other writing I ought to be doing, including:

Finish UtH (another 50K words)

Whirlwind Lads (m/m historical, 100K words)

Possible murder mystery (~70K)

m/m Pirate novella (30K)

m/m Space Opera (30K)

Possible m/m contemporary novella (30K)

I guess that’s enough to be getting on with, without adding Inception fic!

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