Ooh shiny!

Guess whose author copies of the print second edition of Captain’s Surrender have arrived?  Hee!  And in a spectacular coincidence they arrived just three days after I’d ordered ten copies to take to the Ely meet-up.  (Leading me to think that Samhain had been super efficient.  Probably more efficient than is humanly possible.)  However, silly me!  These are my author’s copies according to my contract.  Which is even better, because it means I don’ t have to pay for them 🙂

And the books are lovely!  Oh, it’s so, so nice to see them with the new cover – to know I can let people take them off the shelf and not feel that I ought to explain that the cover gives a false impression of what people will find inside.  Don’t get me wrong – I was over the moon when Linden Bay published it first, and I’m always going to be grateful to them, but the cover was a tiny bit of grit in my oyster, and now the second edition has turned the grit into a pearl.

As is the way with book covers, it looks even better in real life than it does on the screen.  But unfortunately I can’t prove that with a photo that you’ll only have to view on the screen anyway.  It won’t stop me trying, though 🙂

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Meg Leigh
14 years ago

*squee* It’s lovely!

Dianne T.
Dianne T.
14 years ago

The cover is gorgeous Alex. Can’t wait to get my hands on one so I can view it up close – not that I don’t trust your word 😉

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