Lightning fast first reviews of Shining in the Sun

Phew!  I’ve had two lovely reviews from early readers of SitS, and perhaps now I can stop quaking in my boots over whether my contemporary is any good or not 🙂

Wave of Reviews by Jessewave says:

Shining in the Sun is a breath of fresh air and you will love the British and French ambience. Alex Beecroft is a wonderful writer and her prose is some of the best I have read. She has a knack for creating complex flawed protagonists with whom readers fall in love and I never want her books to end because I don’t want to leave the characters behind… Definitely recommended.

Full review here.

Which is enough to set me squeeing all by itself, but then Kate Cotoner also gave me a lovely chewy review on Goodreads here , examining the themes and contrasts of the book

She says:

This novel broke my heart then put the pieces back together again. …. I came away from the book with a sense of a specific place and time – a kind of fin de siecle moment that will resonate with anyone who’s ever loved, even hopelessly, in that golden period of summertime. Shining In The Sun is an extraordinary emotional and romantic story that’s richly rewarding to read.

Which makes me want to play Don Henley’s The Boys of Summer – which I’ve adopted as the SitS theme tune – very loud and break open something alcoholic in celebration.  Thank you very much, Wave and Kate!  You are complete stars and have put my mind at rest no end 😀

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