Guest blogger: Dawn Roberto of Love Romances Cafe

Confessions from a book addict

By Dawn Roberto

My name is Dawn and I am a book addict. *Smiles as people yell Hi Dawn*. Yes I know this is an on going problem but I can’t help myself. Those wonderful stories full of adventures alpha males/females, romance, adventure *sighs gustily* this is what a good book means to me.  Something to take me away from real life and one I am proud to exclaim to all who know me.  There are many numbers of us book addicts, we form a club that we are so very proud to be a member of. This is a non-exclusive club who welcomes anyone who loves books, be it in e-format or in traditional format of hardcover/paperbacks. So if you love the written word and have no compunction in telling everyone you know, then this is the club for you.

I can remember my first time picking up a book; I think I was about 5 or 6, and loving Goodnight Moon. I gradually found Nancy Drew, some tame harlequins and then I found the one writer who introduced me a story that had no close doors in romance. I was 15 when I found Bertrice Small’s Skye O’Malley story at my local library and fell in love with her writing. The passion, adventure, amazing characters swept me forward in a storyline that spanned many books/generations and delivered me countless hours of reading pleasure while I was stuck in the hospital for Cervical Spine Cancer during my teenage years. I gradually moved onto other authors such as Betina Khan, Catherine Coultre among others and then I found J. D. Robb in my 20’s. Holy moly, I never imagined romantic suspense could be like this when I picked up her first book in the very popular In Death series. This sent me on a journey that had me finding some amazing “new to me” authors and my reading adventure.

At one time, while living at home, I had over 6 bookcases overfull of books and I dropped money in the bookstores with little thought. The scent of a bookstore had me in ecstasy and then I had kids. *sighs* You know what happens when kids come, book buying goes on wayside as real life intrudes and that evil day job turns into several EDJ’s. After a bit, my collection dwindled as I moved, got married, had kids, divorced and settled back down to be a single mum of two young kids. Then I found some awesome book swapping places and started finding my favorites and new to me authors to explore while swapping my books I don’t want anymore with other book-a-holics.

Until the day I stumbled upon book review site, Love Romances & More, from an author I was exploring and wanted to read the review. I was in shock. People actually read and get free books? They get to tell their thoughts up online on the books? WOW was all I thought and then beamed a I sent in a sample to LR&M, thinking this is the coolest thing ever. That was several years ago and one choice that has lead me into the world of e-books and the many new authors I explore each and every month.

I can not imagine a life without books and I have tried to instill that love into my two kids. We go to the library weekly and they see how much I love to read with my five huge bookcases full throughout the house. I am lucky to have a supportive love in my significant other who gives me Borders/Barnes & Nobles gift cards for gifts on special occasions and knows that is what makes me happy (well besides a cheesecake slice from Cheesecake factory that is lol). Books are my passion besides family and friends and one I hope never dies.

So all you book addicts-UNITE as we celebrate the written word and the authors behind them. Join our five step program and get started in the “Book Addicts Club”. Want to join, then come on over. We don’t bite but the vamps/scamps and other bump in the night creatures that pop up occasionally do-so be careful.  🙂


Dawn runs the popular LR Café for authors, readers and publishers. She is also a senior reviewer/publisher liaison for Love Romances & More.

To know more about Love Romances & More- Click here to go to the blog:

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Dawn also has a personal blog called Dawn’s Book Nook where authors pop up and chat about anything they desire and ogle the eye candy weekly.

Click here for the blog:

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Dawn Roberto
Dawn Roberto
14 years ago

Thanks for having me Alex. I enjoyed being here. 🙂

josh lanyon
14 years ago

Hey Dawn, this is the first time I’ve had the chance to learn anything about the woman behind Love Romance Cafe. Great interview!

Viki Lyn
14 years ago

Great interview Dawn. My grandmother, Nonna Rose, took me and my sisters to the library and I would check out piles of books taller than me! Books are wonderous and there’s nothing like being immerse in a novel that you just can’t put down!

I’m now reading Harlan Coben “Tell No One” and it captured me in the first few pages – I’ve never read his books before and its a ‘twists and turns’ thriller!

Viki Lyn

Judith Rochelle
14 years ago

Hey Dawn! I think we’re book addicts together! *wink* I want to tell y’all that when I was a green as grass writer just strating out Dawn gave my career a huge boost and a lot of help and has continued to do so. If y’all aren’t a part of the Love Romances Cafe yet, what are you waiting for? It’s the best!

Desiree Holt
14 years ago

Dawn,. Dawn, Dawn. You are a hero to everyone. Your respect for authors and their books and the help you give, the wonderful warm atmosphere at Love Romances Cafe..what would we all do without you? We are all so glad you are a book addict (love the post!) because otherwise…who would tell the world about our books?

Liana Laverentz
14 years ago

Great to learn more about you, Dawn! I remember the summer I read Skye O’Malley. Remember where I was, and what I was doing. It was that kind of book. I was a Nancy Drew fan, too. Happy reading!

Dawn Roberto
Dawn Roberto
14 years ago

*smiles and wipes a tear*

Man you guys know how to make me cry. LOL Thanks a bunch guys. I love books and in turn found the perfect outlet for my love. *grins* What can I say…I am a book whore and proud of it. *WEG*

Dawn Roberto
Dawn Roberto
14 years ago

Desiree……hey I love books what can I say? *shrugs* Besides what a great way to escape RL sometimes and escape in times gone by, in times in the future and today with some smoking hawt yummy alpha heroes and the feisty women/men who love them. *grins*

Kayelle Allen
14 years ago

You are one of my favorite book whores. Er, I mean reviewer. Yes, that’s it. Reviewer. ^_^

Wow – overcoming cancer of the spine. I’m glad to know you survived and lived on to be the wonderful woman I love and respect. Hugs Dawn. You are awesome.

Sheila Gallagher
Sheila Gallagher
14 years ago

Good article. We don’t have a problem with books. We can quit anytime. But at least book collecting/buying/reading is not illegal, immoral, or fattening. Books are cheaper than traveling to all those places I read about. Also Mr. Peabody and Sherman with their Way Back Machine aren’t available to take to the past so books will have to it.

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