Meme day #8 + Cover art
8. What’s your favorite genre to write? To read?
I don’t honestly know. I’ve very much enjoyed writing historical, but I also love contemporary magic realism, or historical/paranormal/mystery. I enjoy reading Age of Sail, mystery, romance, fantasy, science fiction. I don’t think I’d normally seek out a Western, but I very much enjoyed Calico by Dorien Grey when I read that. It’s easier to say what I don’t like, which is “literary fiction”, and even there I have enjoyed some of that. At least, I very much liked Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd, which I’m given to believe was “literary”.
I like crossovers – historical mystery, historical fantasy with a mystery plot, paranormal mysteries, science fiction romance with a dash of the paranormal. I don’t like anything too likely to actually happen.
Oh, and speaking of horror/mystery/romance, if you pop over to Rick. R Reed’s blog, he’s talking about the many stages he and I went through during the cover art creation process. I’m very proud of the cover I did for his “A Demon Inside”, but as you can see if you click the link, the process of finally deciding on that cover was not exactly simple 🙂