Friday on a Monday
Big thanks to Penelope Friday for this article in the T5m Collective magazine:
I Do Two – The Charity Anthology Promoting GLBT
Right To Marriage
in which she interviews Lee Rowan, Kris Jacen and I about the I Do anthologies.
On other news, eagle eyed LJ readers may notice that I’ve changed my LJ style. I envied Erastes her sidebar with the pictures of her book covers on it. So I went looking for a three column style and then tweaked it so that it (a) fits with my website and (b) doesn’t look too much like hers, I hope. It would look less like hers if there wasn’t only a single three column layout to choose from. Imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery, but being unexpectedly cloned can offend.
A bonus feature is that I’ve discovered the list of links on the right hand side, and how to add more of them. So if you have a website you would like me to list there, just comment here with the name and URL and I will add it.
Oh, Hi. Just popping in.
I'm a new reader of your work. Finishing up False Colors. Not quite to the end yet, but I wanted to say I loved it. Not a romance reader, never tried an m/m romance, but your writing is charming, your characters are truly engaging, and I love the age of sail.
Hello Kim! Thank you so much for dropping by and telling me that you liked False Colors! I think I'm particularly pleased that you liked it even though you're not a romance reader. I always hoped that it was good enough to appeal to all kinds of readers, rather than just being confined to one genre. But loving the age of sail is certainly something we share 🙂
It's really kind of you to pop in and give me some encouragement. I needed it today!
Thank you,