Celebration and give-away
Cheyenne Publishing and Bristlecone Pine Press are throwing a celebration on Thursday November 5th to introduce Hidden Conflict: Tales from Lost Voices in Battle
and re-introduce Speak Its Name: A Trilogy.
To read excerpts from the two anthologies, watch the book trailer, or to get details on how to enter the drawings to win some really cool prizes, visit the Kindle boards (http://www.kindleboards.com/) or the Speak Its Name Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpeakItsName/
Bristlecone Pine Press will give away a free eBook of each title, and Cheyenne Publishing has a brand new paperback of Hidden Conflict with a bookplate signed by all four authors, and a paperback copy of Speak Its Name with a bookplate signed by all three authors. Everyone who enters the drawings will be eligible to win Hidden Conflict bookmarks. Come on by for full details on how to enter.
I just signed up for the yahoo group – didn't know it existed! Hope I get accepted before the contest ends! (Though you know I want to join the group anyway!)
I am assuming the contest involving the Kindle Board will be for Kindle e-books only?
Thanks Alex! I caught this blurb on twitter! See? It does work!
Hurray! I help to moderate the group and have let you in. You should be all set, but if there's a problem, just email me on alex@alexbeecroft.com and I'll try to solve it asap. I'm not quite sure what's going on on the Kindle boards, but that does sound like a reasonable assumption. (It's Mark and Leslie running the competitions, so I'm a bit vague on the details.
It'll be nice to see you over there!