Finished! What should I start?
I’ve had my head down today working on the novel formerly known as “Boys of Summer”, now re-christened “Shining in the Sun”. And lo! It is finally finished at 77K 😀 It feels like it’s taken forever, but that’s partially because I broke off to edit False Colors and to write “Blessed Isle” in the middle of it.
So, now I need to send it out to publishers and hope that they don’t mind Darren’s foul mouth, and the fact that both my heroes are the most beta of beta males ever to run away from a fight.
Now the question is what do I write next? I want to try and do a short story for the I Do Two anthology, but I also want to get together a plot plan in time for NaNoWriMo in November. Long, serious, Saxon historical for a Running Press follow up, or a lighthearted rural paranormal with elves for Samhain? I can’t decide.
I can't help thinking that paranormal elves would be easier for Nano, but I guess it depends on which lights your fire most!