Well, I’m back.

I had a lovely, though strenuous, fortnight’s holiday over the past two weeks, but now I’m home.  We went to Cornwall for the first week and I reminded myself of all the settings in Boys of Summer, and adopted a baby lobster.  I also went bodyboarding in the rain, when the surf felt verging on downright dangerous, and decided that next year I get surfboarding lessons.

After that, we went up North to visit my Dad and Andrew’s parents.  And after that we went down to Kent to spend the three days of the bank holiday weekend at the Detling Military Odyssey which was smaller than it has been in the past, and featured scarcely any Napoleonic groups, and far too many Nazi reenactors for my tastes.  I can see the point of not glossing over any part of history, but to me it all looked too much like an unhealthy fascination, and I’m not sure if I want to be associated with it again.  Jan Ellen, who is an amazing lady who knows all about Anglo-Saxon music and makes her own replica instruments from pictures in manuscripts, said that the presence of a large number of Confederate (American Civil War) reenactors made her feel the same way.  She is from the South herself and associated the flags with the same sort of BNP/fascism.  So… I enjoyed doing something with Regia again, but I wasn’t very happy with the company we were keeping.

However, I am now back, and glad to be home.  I’ve spent today putting things away and making a website for my Regia group.  Regia is a national society which is organized into numerous local groups, and the group I belong to is called the Sceaftesige Garrison.  I’ve made them a snazzy new website, but it currently has no content:

Sceaftesige Garrison

Tell me again: Why did I decide I had the time to do this? 😉

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