Displacement activity
First of all, thanks so much to everyone who commented yesterday. Now I know what I ought to do, but haven’t yet plucked up the courage to do it. But I will! Thanks 🙂
In the mean time there are benefits to not wanting to face the computer. Since I had lining material left over from making my morris waistcoat which turned out to be too small, I thought I would try expanding the pattern and making a new one.
I can’t say I’m as fond of the colour as I was of the blue-green one, but at least this one fits and is actually slightly roomy. (Here I am pictured regenerating after sustaining a fatal injury from a passing Dalek.)
And in writing news, I think I have finished Blessed Isle. That is, it’s been through two drafts and so much polishing that I can no longer tell whether it’s any good or not. The last time I read it, I liked it a lot, but when I tried to give it one last going over today, I couldn’t stand to look at it. I’m guessing this is a sign that I’ve done as much as I can on it, and it needs to go to beta readers who can give it a final once over before I send it in 🙂