Macaroni Month and more Beowulf

The Macaronis are doing a month long appearance at the Coffee Time Romance boards this month.  Just introducing ourselves today, but tomorrow we’ll be chatting amongst ourselves, and then there’ll be individual author’s days throughout the month.


Click on the picture to get to the forum 🙂

And in not at all related news, if you missed that episode of Michael Wood (as Charlie Cochrane says, “the thinking woman’s crumpet”) being enthusiastic about Beowulf on BBC4, while attending a reading of the poem at Wychurst (the longhall I helped build), fret not, you can see a repeat of it here:

Beowulf on the BBC iPlayer

Well worth seeing if only to find out what a fantastically entertaining thing the poem is.  It’s rather cool that the oldest piece of literature in the English language is a potboiler of a historical fantasy that would make a gripping movie.  (As well as a dialogue between pagan and christian world-views, the definition of what it means to be a good king, a reflection on the futility of all accomplishment in this world, and a flattering legendary geneology of the East Anglian kings.)

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