False Colors review from Vulpes Libris
The book foxes have been foxing my book! And I’m very happy about it 🙂 In fact I’ve got a lovely review over here
Vulpes Libris
from Anne Brook, author of the haunting ‘A Dangerous Man’ and ‘Painting from Life’. I really love her stuff, so when she said she was reading False Colors, I was rather worried that it might not come up to her standard. But fortunately she seems to have liked it 🙂
“Let me nail my colours to the mast (sorry, couldn’t resist that one …) and say first off that this book is a total and absolute pleasure. And I say that as someone who doesn’t even usually go for historical seafaring novels,”
She’s also got some interesting things to say about the Running Press series as a whole, and the curious fact that “there’s a significant minority of us GLBT book fans who appear to be women connected in some way or other with the church”
I’ve noticed this myself – Charlie Cochrane, Z.A Maxfield, Anne herself and me, and those are only the people in my immediate circle of friends. I suppose it’s not many, but when you’d hardly expect any, it’s odd.
On other news, my husband has been home most of the week with kidney stone (again). This time in the other kidney. And I was right about the importance of getting Blessed Isle finished because I was expecting edits – I had my first lot of edits on Captain’s Surrender today, prior to its relauch as a Samhain title. So life is a little busy at the moment, and as usual I’m running late with email replies. Sorry!
Glad you got a great review, I've had your lovely book since it came out, but I haven't had time to read it. *frowns* I haven't even had time to open it, but mostly I haven't made time, expecting it to be so good I won't be able to put it down! I'm going to head for the beach with the offspring when school lets out, and I will relax in a chair with a cool drink where I can enjoy it! (Or maybe when all my edits for the June/July releases are finished I can just lock the door and take the phone off the hook.
Sorry about Hubby! Hope he's better soon, thoughts and prayers are coming your way!
Glad you got a great review, I've had your lovely book since it came out, but I haven't had time to read it. *frowns* I haven't even had time to open it, but mostly I haven't made time, expecting it to be so good I won't be able to put it down! I'm going to head for the beach with the offspring when school lets out, and I will relax in a chair with a cool drink where I can enjoy it! (Or maybe when all my edits for the June/July releases are finished I can just lock the door and take the phone off the hook.
Sorry about Hubby! Hope he's better soon, thoughts and prayers are coming your way!
Thanks ZAM 🙂 Oh, I know how that is, with the 'books you mean to read but can't find time'. I've got "Hard Fall" by James Buchanan and Deadly Nightshade by Victor Banis which I've been trying to read for about a month. I also want to read "SM101: A realistic introduction" because I have a dominant character in Boys of Summer who needs some background. I just don't want to read it anywhere my husband can see because I seriously don't want him thinking it's something I've been secretly hankering after!
Speaking of which, he's back at work today, which is a relief. He'd been getting really bored as well as sick. Thank you!