Meanwhile, False Colors and Transgressions launch :)

And possibly not coincidentally to Amazon fail, False Colors and Transgressions had their official release yesterday.  Huzzah!  From my own POV, I’m torn between thinking I ought not to talk about them while this much larger issue is going on, and thinking that I ought to talk about them more because this larger issue is going on.

False Colors and Transgressions, after all, represent an attempt by m/m romance to storm the fortress of m/f, ‘mainstream’ romance fiction.  An attempt to get same sex love stories to be treated the same way opposite sex love stories are treated; not hidden, not shameful, not classified as ‘adult’ just because they are a love story between two men.  If anything, Amazonfail just proves that we are up against something much bigger than we thought, and the right wing are prepared to pull out all sorts of unexpected tactics to stop the attempt from succeeding.

So as part of my resistance to Amazonfail and to anti-gblt prejudice in general, I *am* going to talk up these books.  When m/m, f/f and trans romance is occupying the same shelf space in every bookshop, that will be the time to be modest 😉

So please come and read about the launch of False Colors and Transgressions, those first rate battleships of the m/m romance war:

Here at JesseWave’s blog

On Monday, April 13 as part of its ground breaking new line of gay historical romances which tap into a growing market of Male/Male stories marketed to straight women as part of an attempt to introduce m/m romance into the romantic mainstream, Running Press Book Publishers is proud to announce the release of Transgressions and False Colors

A lovely review of False Colors by Christian Otto

So, altogether this is stunning and brilliant book, one of those essential reads if you are interested in historical stories.

On Friskbiskit Erastes and I chat about the allure of the 17th Century, and why I like filth so much 😉

M/M Goes Mainstream Today

And on Jeanne Barrack’s The Sweet Flag blog, you can see me being a bit prophetic (I wrote this post about three weeks ago, before any of this struck 😉 )

What is going on here then? Well, simply this; Running Press are making a bid to make m/m romance mainstream – to make it as respectable as m/f romance. No more confining m/m fiction to a little ghetto on the internet where the uninitiated can remain ignorant that it exists at all. No more being treated as second class citizens by RWA and Romantic Times because we don’t fit their notion of what is a ‘traditional’ story about people falling in love with one another.

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