New Reviews!

I’ve had two lovely reviews for False Colors this week. This one from nos4a2no9

who says (among other things, including a very flattering comparison of False Colors and Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade):
False Colors was just as thoughtful and emotionally wrenching as Gabaldon’s second Lord John book (which, um, destroyed me a little) but Beecroft manages to pull off a happy ending for her characters after much suffering and conflict. The book features some of the best plotting and pacing I’ve ever encountered, and for the writers among you who struggle with such things (as I do, endlessly) I’d recommend taking a look at how Beecroft builds her plot around the central romance. She allows the relationship between her characters to develop over the course of many chases, escapes, imprisonments, torture sessions, naval battles and lovers’ quarrels. The book is a scant 326 pages long, and it’s crammed full of historical detail, plot events, secondary and tertiary characters, hot sex scenes and naval description. There is almost too much going on, but Beecroft manages to balance everything out and still find room for character development, introspection, and a very satisfying ending.

and this review on Amazon from Toni V.Sweeney, author of Jericho Road:

who says (in part):
I’m totally ignorant of naval or sea-faring terms and don’t know a mainsail from a bosun but that didn’t stop me from loving the vivid, gruesome descriptions of the sea battles or how the British lived in Jamaica and Gibraltar. The bleak, desolation of the Albion’s being stranded in frozen waters after striking an iceberg made me wonder: How did these men manage to survive without computers and other modern equipment on their ships? Surely they had to have an inordinate amount of courage to even attempt such voyages! You have to admire anyone who’d dare choose such a life, much less make a career of it.

The main characters in this story–Alfie, John, and Farrant–are portrayed exactly that way…Alfie, seeking permanent love, Farrant taking medications to help him stave off his vice, and John, questioning in his first tremble of attraction to another man whether both his love of God, his sense of duty, and his chastity are a sham. They are brave men, men with both honor and courage, who hold to duty while flying secretly in the face of public morality, not a limp wrist or a lacy hanky in the lot.

Behold me doing the happy dance and squeeing mightily 😀  Thank you very much, both of you! 😀

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