Facebook TOS. Also, me planning things again

I don’t know if anyone here is also on Facebook, but, if you are, you might want to go and look at their new Terms of Service.  If I’m reading them correctly, they are claiming that users license them in perpetuity to do anything they like with any content posted *to* Facebook and also any content posted *through* Facebook – in other words, any content on the other end of your links.  And even if you take the content down or delete your account, they retain copies and the rights to do whatever they like with it.

There’s an article about it here


This new TOS doesn’t go into effect until the 24th of February, I think.  So if you’re worried about it (as I am), it might be a good idea to take down your links and photos and other content over which you want to retain ownership, from Facebook now, before it’s too late.

….  OK, breaking news is that they have abandoned those TOS and are reverting back to the old ones.  However, that’s just a temporary measure until they can come up with a new more acceptable version.  So I am not putting my content back up until I’ve seen the new version for myself.


On the ‘me planning things’ front, I’ve decided that a good schedule for the rest of the  year is:

1. Finish ‘Boys of Summer’ before the end of March.

2. Finish ‘Away with the Faeries’ as a novella before the end of June.

3. Make plot plan and research ‘Dragon of the Fen’ over the school holidays (July-August)

4. Do first draft of ‘Dragon of the Fen’ Sept-November (partly with NaNoWriMo).

5. December – organize Christmas, recover.

At some point before October I’ll have to fit in edits on ‘Wages of Sin’, but hopefully there’s a bit of slack in here into which that can fit.

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