Fantastic review of Captain’s Surrender

I’ve just got to squee about this fantastic review of ‘Captain’s Surrender’ from a reader who loved it so much she’s almost written an essay 🙂 She says: and scroll down.

“Captain’s Surrender is a romance for those of us who are unabashedly romantic at heart and know a good love story when we read it. From first glance, Joshua falls head over heels with Peter, and so did I…

One particular appeal of this novel is that it does have its unpredictable twists. Just when you think it will go a certain way, it goes another, and keeps you reading to find out where the new path will lead. All the characters, including secondary ones, are so well-rounded, I could easily visualize them and understand what drove each one, even when their mindsets led them to choices that were maddening or exasperating…

One other thing I must mention–if you love lyrical prose and description that makes another time period come to life all around you as you read–then you will thoroughly enjoy this book. I adored the descriptions of time and place. The author can turn a phrase with that kind of rare beauty that makes you want to stop for an instant and re-read just to savor the way it is written…

The intimacy in Captain’s Surrender is tender, sexy, sweet, and just exactly right.”

And that’s just selected highlights!
I don’t know who grrluknow is, but I think I like her a lot!  If it’s you, thank you so much!! 😀

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