Witch’s Boy squeeing

How can I not have posted this?!  My only excuse has to be that this week has been beyond manic with the launch of the Britwriters’ blog, which took off absurdly and needed fifty times more administration than I thought it would.  I haven’t even had time to squee about this fantastic review for ‘The Witch’s Boy’! from Val at Obsidian Bookshelf

“As all the plot threads wind closer together, The Witch’s Boy builds towards its powerful and satisfying conclusion.  Throughout, we get treated to some absolutely beautiful writing…. Fans of homoerotic fiction will have to look elsewhere for gay romance because that is not the focus of this novel. However, The Witch’s Boy is probably like nothing you’ve ever read before, and should provide an unforgettable experience.  Plus the cover is subtly beautiful.”

Full marks for [info]black_hound‘s cover, which earns a place in Val’s gallery of top covers 🙂  And I’m personally thoroughly delighted with the fact that Val liked my elves 🙂  “I found the author’s take on the elves especially fascinating.”  Squee!  As you may know, there’s nothing I hate more in a book than elves who are too human, so I’m really happy I managed to avoid that one 🙂

Thank you so much, Val, for such a lovely and insightful review!  I may not have mentioned it before, but it made this week of mad blogging stress all worth while 😀

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