Interview with Shiela Stewart

In an exciting new venture for my blog, I have an interview with my fellow Linden Bay Author, Shiela Stewart, multiply published author of Kidnapped, Secrets of the Dead, and the Passion series.

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How long have you been writing? What made you start?

I’ve been writing all my life. But it wasn’t until six years ago, with the persistence of my loving husband, when I decided to look into getting my work published. What made me start writing? The need to express how I was feeling, the need to get away from life. I’ve always had a very active imagination. I would lie awake at night as a child and teen make up whole lives for imaginary people. Then I decided to start writing them down but I never showed them to anyone. Not even my family. I did, however, write a play for my sister’s class when she was in grade eight. I was sixteen at the time. It was a huge success and that was the first time I let anyone know I enjoyed writing.

What was your first book and what was it about?

The first book I ever wrote was called, Too Young Too Evil and was written in my early teens. It won’t ever be published. Trust me, it is VERY rough. LOL The first book of mine that was published is Kidnapped.

What are you enjoying reading at the moment?

Right now I’m reading Nora Roberts, Blood Bother Trilogy and impatiently waiting for J.R. Wards next book in her Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

What upcoming project of yours are you most excited about?

The Passion Series. It’s my first series, so that’s exciting enough. J

Do you do anything to summon up inspiration – write to music, have a special writing hat etc?

I HAVE to have fast pop, dance or Rave music going whiel I write. The fast beat of the drums and music just gets my creative juices flowing.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

Hmmm, I’m always writing it seems. I take breaks to make meals for my family, do my house hold chores, shop, etc… In between writing, I like to dabble in book covers. I hope to be able to perfect my art enough to lend myself out to other publishers to design book covers for other authors. Plus, I have two blogs that keep me busy. One hosts the author and their story at the time, Romance with Shiela Stewart.

The other is dedicated to just covers and a small blurb about the book, as well as places where they can be purchased. Shiela Stewarts Book Cover Lovers.
On top of that, I’m usually promoting myself here and here, making appearances on several yahoo groups and blogs. I like to keep busy. J

What do you like better to write – series or stand alone novels?

I like series because I love expanding my stories. But stand alones are just as good.

What works in progress have you got on the go at the moment?

Actually, I have two works in progress. One is a series which is a spin-off from Secrets of the Dead which involves the Hero and Heroines oldest daughter. It’s the Spiritual Series. Samantha Dowling is a spiritual guide who can communicate with the dead. The series revolves around her and her work in trying to help the dead seek justice or peace all while trying to have a normal life and relationship with a man in the process of getting a divorce. To read more about the series, you can check it out on my website at Click on the Books link, then scroll down to Spiritual Calling, Entanglement and Possession.

The second is a Vampire tale about a female vampire, the man she loves who betrayed her and the rise of a very dangerous vampire king. To read more about this one, go to my website and click on Books, then scroll down to eclipse into Death (Title is a work in Progress)

Tell us about the books you have out at the moment?

Currently I have four books out for release in both ebook and in print. Kidnapped, Secrets of the Dead, and books one and two in the Passion Series, Discovery in Passion and Escape in Passion. Plus I have a short story available at All Romance Ebooks, entitled, A Spiritual Kind Of Love.

Boxers or Briefs? 😉

I wear neither. Oh, you mean what do I prefer on men. LOL Depends on the man. Tight briefs if he’s built and has a tight firm body. Boxers if he doesn’t. 🙂

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