Quote from WIP

I got this idea from  – much more interesting than just a bit of blathering on and a wordcount.

Though, by now it’s ‘quote of yesterday’ 🙂

“Most of my gentlemen would prefer to spend their time on other sports,” said Mrs Deane, and laughed aloud at the expression on his face.  Letting go of his arm, she tapped him sharply with her closed fan.  “Oh, Lieutenant, you think yourself so inscrutable!  But I assure you I have your measure.”

Mrs. Deane was a surprise to me, as she was meant to be a one paragraph experiment on John’s part.  Instead she took over the story for three pages, shocked and amused him and extracted a promise that he would write to her.  Also she got to tell him all kinds of things through fan language as per this site   None of which he actually understood because he doesn’t know there *is* a language of fans, let alone what it means.

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