Freya’s Bower looking for m/m stories

I got this from one of my egroups:


Freya’s Bower invites you to submit your short stories with mm content for an all mm anthology. Any genre story: fantasy, western, contemporary, science fiction,horror, historical. We’d like to have a nice mix of genres for this anth.

Stories should be between 6,000 to 10,000 words, but we will consider manuscripts a little shorter or a little longer. For submission guidelines as to what Freya’s Bower will accept as story content, please visit

Double-space your manuscript. Include a header with the title of the story, your name and numbered pages. Indent each new paragraph .5 inches. If there is a scene break, indicate it with a centered ***.

All submissions must include:

1. your full name, a pseudonym if used,

2. a brief synopsis, subject or genre,

3. the story attached

4. ‘Submission to mm anthology’ must be in the subject line,

5. Mail submissions and/or direct queries to

Submissions for the anthology closes December31, 2007. Deadline may be extended.


I’ve extensively edited 90% proof and sent it off. That was the story which was rejected with the nice rejection letter quoted in ‘Sweet rejection’. After re-doing it according to all the advice, it now has no run on sentences, and is 2,000 words shorter. I don’t like it as much any more, though. If it doesn’t get through this one, I think I’ll retire it as a bad job and just write something new instead 🙂

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17 years ago

I’ve had two stories accepted for this anthology. Hope yours appears alongside mine! 😉

17 years ago

That would be fabulous! Go you!

OTOH, after editing this story for 3 days, I’m inclined to agree with the editor who rejected it previously. It’s not one of my better ones. I think I might have done better just to start from scratch and write something new.

Next time, maybe! 🙂

17 years ago

Good luck! 🙂 I hope they accept your story! 🙂

17 years ago

Good luck! 🙂 I hope they accept your story! 🙂

Thanks! I hope so too, but I won’t hold my breath. After editing it, I don’t like it myself any more. I think it depended too much on fanon to make a successful transition to original fiction.

The question is, can I write a better story of 6000 words before the 31st? I almost think I could, if I tried.

17 years ago

You certainly can. 🙂 Good luck with that, too! (Hm… The real question is: Would I like to try my hand at such a story…?)

17 years ago

Would I like to try my hand at such a story…?

Ooh, yes do! Why not? What have you got to lose? *Eggs you on with enthusiasm.*

17 years ago

Hello! This is mrs_norrington. I finally decided that if I was going to get a piece ready to submit somewhere, I might as well choose a penname and get a blog.

I’m still deciding about the anthology. I’ve found two publishers who list 10,000-12,000 as their minimum, so I have at least three options!

I like your header/banner, it’s very nice.

HMS dauntless
HMS dauntless
17 years ago

Good luck with the submission ! 🙂

2000 words out of more than 10,000 is a lot and I understand the feeling that the story is no long what you meant it to be. In my opinion, it’s very difficult to trasform a short fic in an original story, because you have to create some background for all the characters and cannot rely on the readers sharing a fanon/canon. However, “different” from what you meant it to be does not necessaily mean that it’s bad.
And just to make you know you’re not alone in mowing your writings, just yesterday (after another “sweet rejection” from a scientific journal *g*) I took away more than 800 words from a paper that was originally 3500 words long. Take into account that about 2000 of these were employed describing the methods and the results, so there was very little to be cut there, and I had to focus almost only on the Introduction and Comment parts.
Not sure the cut improved the quality of the thing but, sure, the English flows much better and the meaning is easier to get. Of course, a short story is a totally different fish from a paper. But, who knows… let’s hope the heads of our reviewers work the same way 😉

17 years ago

Hello! This is mrs_norrington. I finally decided that if I was going to get a piece ready to submit somewhere, I might as well choose a penname and get a blog.

I’m still deciding about the anthology. I’ve found two publishers who list 10,000-12,000 as their minimum, so I have at least three options!

I like your header/banner, it’s very nice.

Hello! I like the new name 🙂 And yes, 10 -12,000 is a very marketable length. So even if you don’t think it’s ready for the anthology there are quite a few places you can try when you’ve got it just as you like it.

Glad you like the banner 🙂 I was sad that I couldn’t customise this journal to look like my website, as I could with my LJ. But now I rather like the change.

17 years ago

2000 words out of more than 10,000 is a lot and I understand the feeling that the story is no long what you meant it to be. In my opinion, it’s very difficult to trasform a short fic in an original story, because you have to create some background for all the characters and cannot rely on the readers sharing a fanon/canon. However, “different” from what you meant it to be does not necessaily mean that it’s bad.

Yes, when I did a quick edit on it to send it off to DEP, I think I was still so immersed in fandom that I saw all the supporting background which wasn’t actually there. If you know what I mean. This time I saw it as an original story, and I must say that I’m not really happy with it. It needs the fanon in a way that Captain’s Surrender didn’t.

I think I might try to write a different one, starting from scratch, and submit that too. I can probably do that before the 31st if I try.

And just to make you know you’re not alone in mowing your writings, just yesterday (after another “sweet rejection” from a scientific journal *g*) I took away more than 800 words from a paper that was originally 3500 words long.

Eek! That’s an awful lot, going on relative amounts. And yes, with a scientific paper there’s even less that can afford to come out. I feel that in getting rid of my 2000 I have taken away some of the character of the thing, but you have to do it without cutting content!

Good luck with the new edited version!


[…] 8, 2007 at 10:02 pm (Uncategorized) As seen, I’ve submitted my Age of Sail Romance, “Love Once Lost,” to Freya’s Bower […]

Alex Beecroft
16 years ago

And to you!

16 years ago

Good day!,

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