A Good End (to the year)


After the toil and less than overwhelming success of the chat, I was ready to feel sorry for myself at the weekend. However, today makes for a great end to a year in which I had my first book accepted for publication.

Why? (I don’t hear you say 😉 )

Because today I got a fabulous review of Captain’s Surrender from Val Kovalin at Obsidian Bookshelf:

When you finish this succinct book (which is slightly under 200 pages) you will be amazed at the range of emotional and physical territory covered by Captain’s Surrender… which is the best gay novel I’ve read this year.

Read the whole review HERE

And because 90% Proof – the story whose saga begins with ‘sweet rejection’ and continues with ‘LOL!Editing’ – has been accepted for the Freya’s Bower anthology. So the year ends with a contract for a short story, and next year begins with the release of ‘Captain’s Surrender’.

It isn’t the impressive multiple publishing list of some writers, but it’s a landmark year for me!

Happy New Year to everyone!

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17 years ago

This is absolutely fantastic! Congratulations, and how well deserved! I wish you all the best for 2008, and that your writing career will continue just the way it has started – with a big success! Cheeyaz!

17 years ago

Thank you! There’s nothing like a bout of food poisoning to bring home to you how much everything in the world is vanity (as it says in Ecclesiastes) but all the same, I’m cautiously pleased with my progress so far. If only I can keep going!

I hope you continue to do wonderfully with the penny dreadful series. I can’t wait til the next one is out 🙂

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