And the winner is…

*g*  In the tradition of spacing out the announcement until everyone is sick of the pause… I may be feeling a little punch drunk because I got up at 4.30 this morning in order to go and morris dance infront of the doors of Ely Cathedral while the dawn was breaking this fine May Day morn.  And now I’m knackered 😉

However, I haven’t forgotten that I was running a competition; whereby anyone who sent me a picture of False Colors on a bookshop shelf would have their name entered in the hat to win a signed copy.  I have now drawn out the name of the winner.

With this photo


And a post of her own where you can see two more here

The winner is …

(Don’t you just hate it when I do that! 😉 )

Sorry.  The winner is lj user ima-pseudonym.

Congratulations!  I’ll be in touch to find out your address just as soon as I’ve posted this.  Then I’ll get the book in the post before the weekend 🙂

Thank you so much to everyone who took part!  Hee!  I’m now quite convinced that I have in fact got a book in the bookshops 🙂

If anyone else who submitted a photo would like to receive a signed book plate, which you could put into your copy, do drop me a line on and I would be glad to send you one 🙂

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15 years ago

Where’s my book *sob*

Sold out. Yes. That’s why it’s not there. sold out. Yes.

Victoria Janssen
15 years ago

Happy May Day!

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