If you’re interested in coming to the m/m meet-up

please visit my Live Journal where I am running a poll to decide the best date.  The choices are Saturday 7th August 12-4, or Sunday 12th September 12-4.

Judging from my last entry, there’s plenty of interest – more than enough to make this worth while. Quite a few people, however, have pointed out that August is a bad month due to holidays. That’s true for me too! So I’ve provisionally booked the venue for two dates, one in August and one in September, with a promise to come back and firmly book it once I know which date is the best for all of us.

If you’re interested in coming, please fill in the poll. I’ll keep it open until the end of Monday and get back to the venue with a firm booking on the Tuesday.

Here’s that link again to the poll on my livejournal

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carole Quenville
carole Quenville
14 years ago

I’m in Canada, near Toronto, therefore need to know location before I can commit.


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x