Two five star early reviews for The Reluctant Berserker

I’m delighted to say that people seem to be enjoying The Reluctant Berserker so far. I have two five star (or five sweet-pea) pre-release reviews to crow about πŸ™‚

First, here’s a guest post I did on Sinfully Sexy Books:

in which I talk about my reenactment society, and why I wanted to write about a society at peace rather than at war. That’s accompanied with a long and thoughtful review, considering the book from several directions and concluding with “Once again and beautifully written book from Alex; rich in detail, emotion and intricacy of plot. A must read for all historical fans of M/M.”

Hee! Thanks so much, Mark πŸ™‚


Secondly but not secondarily, Β Feliz Reviews an ARC of The Reluctant Berserker by Alex Beecroft on Mrs Condit and Friends and awards it a bouquet of sweet peas and a ‘recommended read’ status. Feliz says:

“This book had me biting my nails with tension during action and fighting scenes, it had me smile in fondness at tender moments, curse characters and cheer others on, it had me laughing with joy at the sheer beauty of its language, and I closed it with a wistfully happy smile. All I ever wish for in my reading, and I can’t commend it highly enough.”

Which I think really can’t be bettered πŸ™‚ Thank you so much, Feliz!


And speaking of ARCs of The Reluctant Berserker, HJ, you won the draw on the “Boys in our Books” giveaway. Please let me know your email address so I can send you your prize πŸ™‚

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