Superb review of Under the Hill: Dogfighters

I’m so relieved that Lyn at Jessewave’s blog thinks that the second half is as good as the first, and wraps everything up nicely 🙂 It’s always a bit of a worry, in a game of two halves like this, that the second book will suffer simply by not being the first. (If that makes any sense?)

Anyway, clearly I’m still not coherent yet, so I’ll pass you over to Lyn who is wonderfully so. She says:

WOW! I thought Part 1 (Bomber’s Moon) was fantastic, and this is just as astounding—a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat ride to the end. Superb…. I am not a fan of fantasy, but these books encapsulate so many genres and are so rich and nuanced that they go beyond the rigid confines of genre. They’re exquisite. Go forth and buy and read—I know I’ll be re-reading these in years to come.


Full review here

Thank you so much, Lyn!

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Grace Roberts
12 years ago

Well deserved too. I’ve been trying to update my book release page on my blog with the link to Samhain for your book but the bloody thing keeps crashing. Grrrr! Typical. The cover’s there for now anyway. 😉

John Kompa
12 years ago

As always, your works are amazing! Keep up the excellent work!

Alex Beecroft
12 years ago

Oh thank you! That’s ever so kind of you to say so 🙂

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