‘Secrets’ title puzzlement.

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Secrets – novel – first draft finished, editing:

Done 28th April – added new scene of 1,321 words, which doesn’t show up as progress, but it is!

Done 29th April – added mostly complete new scene of 1,069 words – will try to finish the scene tonight.

Done 30th April – finished writing scene between Bentley + John, half way through edit of court martial.

Done 1st May – from court martial to Arctic voyage.  Woo!  Only a new scene with Lady Limerick to go and we’re into the happy ending!

So given that the second draft of this will be finished either tomorrow or early next week (bar illness, accidents and other acts of God) I’m trying to think of a good new title.  ‘Secrets’ doesn’t really cut the mustard.  Anyone out there inspired to name a gay Age of Sail novel on the theme of the damage homophobia does to society?  It features one confused evangelical Christian lieutenant who discovers he’s gay, one happy go lucky gay lieutenant who learns the need for caution, an unfortunate aristocratic Captain with a sinister doctor, white slavers, pirates, a love triangle and a happy ending.  Any suggestions?

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